15+Top Bedroom Plants That You Need for Cleaner Air and Better Sleep

Updated On: Mar 22, 2024

Decorating your bedroom into a calming oasis doesn't just stop at selecting the colour scheme, fabrics and furnishings. It extends to the environment you breathe and the leafy friends you choose to share your space with. Houseplants do more than look beautiful and add a splash of vibrancy to your space. They actually boost your health and well-being while reducing the toxic substances in the air. According to the experts, several indoor plants for bedrooms can enhance the air quality and soothe energy in the space while decreasing stress and nurturing good sleep. Whether you're looking for a plant that requires minimal care or want types of varieties that will infuse lots of personality into your room, let's find the perfect green companion for your bedroom.

English Ivy (Hedera helix)

English Ivy Indoor Plants For Bedroom

The English Ivy is more than just an outdoor vine. Perfect for those who love to add whimsy to their bedroom decor, this plant can be draped over your nightstand or hanging basket, making it a versatile addition to plant room ideas. Just remember, it likes to stay cool does best in moderate light during spring and summer months and enjoys moist soil.

Lavender (Lavandula)

Lavender Houseplants For The Bedroom

It's not a typical houseplant for the bedroom, but it makes a pretty bedside accent with a soothing scent that works as a natural sleep aid. Affectionately known as the dream weaver, lavender brings aromatherapy benefits to the bedroom, preparing you for a night of sweet dreams. Give lavender bright, direct light for a few hours daily and water when the soil is slightly dry.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

Snake Plant Bedroom Oxygen Plants

The Snake Plant, also called Sansevieria, is a must-have for any bedroom. This hardy warrior with sword-like foliage is a stunning addition to bedroom decor. It improves the environment and air quality and requires low light and occasional watering. It's one of the best plants for a bedroom, and snake plants can live for decades in the right conditions.

California Tropicals Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens)

California Tropicals Areca Palm Best Plants For Bedroom

For those looking to add a touch of the tropics to their bedroom, the plumes of this gorgeous areca palm reach up to good height. This palm brings elegance and a pop of vibrance to your space and gets rid of carbon dioxide and toxins. It enjoys indirect light during spring and summer and needs a little moist environment,  making it a lush addition to your room.

Aloe Vera (Candelabra aloe)

Aloe Vera Bedroom Decor With Flowers

Aloe vera, with its soothing fragrance commonly found in lotions and soaps, makes a great houseplant for the bedroom. The tropical succulent, renowned for its therapeutic properties also improves air quality. The fleshy leaves and spiky edges don’t require water for a few weeks but it does need bright light, so consider placing it near the window for a restful sleep.

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Pothos Plants To Keep In Bedroom

Pothos, known amongst plant lovers as the Money plant, is a perfect starter plant for beginners, who might not have the green thumb. Its lovely trailing vines of heart-shaped leaves purify the air and promote sleep in bright, indirect light. This indoor plant for bedrooms, thrives on minimal care and can tolerate occasional neglect.

Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)

Rubber Plant Best Plants For Bedroom Oxygen

With its shiny, dark green leaves, this plant brings drama to the bedroom decor. Beyond its aesthetical beauty, it’s a powerhouse for removing toxins and purifying the air. The Rubber Plant asks for bright, indirect to moderate light and needs watering once a week, making it a striking addition to the space.

Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

Boston Fern Bedroom Flower Decoration

This lush green frond-filled plant gives an air of elegance to bedroom space. Its unparalleled beauty and green tint make for a perfect hanging plant. Also, it's one of the most inexpensive houseplants for the bedroom. Keep it in indirect light and its soil moist, and this fern can be your loyal companion.


Dracaena Best Indoor Plants For Bedroom

Dracaena brings a dramatic flair to your bedroom with its long, strappy leaves, a few of them detailed with red markings. This air-purifying plant for bedroom fight against pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene. Dracaenas enjoy moderate sunlight and lightly moist soil, so place it near a window for optimum growth. What's more, it reaches up to a height of 3 feet, so do not forget to provide more space to grow.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider Plant Best Houseplants For Bedroom

This classic indoor houseplant for bedrooms has been from decades and prefers medium to bright light. With its variegated leaves arching from the centre and baby plantlets dangling down like spiders on a web, this plant brings visual interest to the space. It's one of the coolest plants for newbies and greenthumbs alike.

Philodendron (Birkin)

Philodendron Air Purifying Plants For Bedroom

With dark green leaves, adorned with striking white pinstripes, this fast-growing plant is a beloved addition to the bedroom space, offering a sophisticated touch. Beyond its beauty, it’s a breeze to care for, requiring mid-bright to indirect sunlight with occasional watering. Choose the perfect planter and place it on your bedside table, elevating your bedroom's aesthetic appeal.

Monstera (Monstera deliciosa)

Monstera Room Plants Decor

Popularly known as the Swiss cheese plant, the Monstera is a fan favourite for its unique, holey leaves that infuse a tropical and contemporary vibe into your bedroom. This Instagram-worthy plant looks more than beautiful, creating a clean and serene bedroom environment. They favour bright, indirect light and a good drink (once weekly) when their soil dries out. But make sure to keep this plant steer away from pets.

Parlour Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

Parlour Palm Oxygen Best Indoor Plants For Bedroom

If you want to add a whisper of historical charm with refined elegance to your bedroom, Parlour Palm can be your leafy friend. These houseplants thrive in bright indoor light and need constant light moisture. But this stunning beauty is worth the extra effort because it’s known for its air-purifying qualities and sophisticated look.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Rosemary Indoor Plants for Bedroom as Per Vastu

This culinary herb purifies the air and infuses the space with a pleasant, piney scent that gives you a refreshed and clear mind. This is one of the best plants to keep in the bedroom for improving concentration and boosting motivation. Rosemary thrives in bright sunlight and well-drained soil, so decorate it near the sunny spots. Plus, a snip of its leaves can glorify your morning tea or breakfast.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Peace Lily Best Plant To Have In Bedroom

These luxurious-looking plants serve more than the aesthetic appeal by increasing humidity, purifying the air and promoting better sleep. Moreover, they are surprisingly fuss-free,  thriving in low light and only asking for water when their leaves become nearly dry. Add this low-maintenance yet impactful green companion for your room plant decor and bring a touch of tranquil beauty to the space.

Planting the Seeds of Green Dreams!

Indoor houseplants for the bedroom purify the air and enhance sleep patterns while setting a calm environment. Think about the plant’s light, humidity and simplicity before selecting the desired plant. From classic English Ivy to low-maintenance snake plants and blissful peace lily, choose the best plants for bedroom according to your preferences and make your living space a better place to rest and rejuvenate

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