Interior Company

Your Guide To Growing A Money Plant At Home

Published On: Sep 17, 2021

If you ask anyone about a plant that will not only make their house beautiful but also initiate positive Qi, the most common answer is a Money Plant. Money plant is an evergreen climber plant and can prosper in both soil and water. Out of all its quality, its strength to withstand harsh climatic conditions is remarkable. Thus, it has become a neutral choice as an indoor plant in many households across the world.

Money Plant comes in different colors, sizes, and shapes along with distinctive scientific names. You can also place your money plant indoors without much hassle. The most common type of money plant scientific name is “Epipremnum Aureum.” Other common names are pothos, golden pothos, money plant, or devil’s ivy. This money plant belongs to the arum family (Araceae) that originally belong to southeastern Asia. 

Moreover, money plants are available in nearby surroundings, shops, and nurseries or one can buy them from various online plant-selling websites or apps. Let's move forward and learn more about the types of money plants.

Different Types of Money Plants

Most people are always confused about which plant is considered a money plant? To end your confusion we have mentioned names of different plants that are considered as money plant varieties.

Money tree 

Money plant

The money tree plant is scientifically known as 'Pachira Aquatica'. Other popular names of money tree plants are Malabar Chestnut and Saba Nut. It has green shining leaves with mostly five leaflets. These are good house plants as they need less care, grow quickly, and do not harm pets (like cats or dogs). They are natives of Central and South American wetlands.



Epipremnum Aureum” is the scientific name given to money plants. Some uncommon names for this plant are silver vine, Solomon Islands ivy, Ceylon creeper, ivy arum, and taro vine. The money plant in the home grows faster and can also become an elegant corner of your house. They are positively indestructible and need less care. 

Another thing that makes it different from other plants is the money plant leaf  appearance. The same Pothos can have shiny green leaves, white or golden streaks, or they  might be in heart shape. The money plant with green leaves and white color streaks is known as “Marble Queen Pothos.”

Note: The ingestion of Pothos is highly toxic for animals and humans.

Jade Plant 

Jade Plant 

The scientific name for the Jade plant is Crassula ovata. Most people know it as lucky plant, money plant, dollar plant. It has wax coated small oval shaped leaves and with proper care it can live for 100 years. Normally they don’t bloom for many years. But an elderly Jade plant can bloom white or pink flowers easily. Though it is a beautiful plant, it is poisonous for pets. 



The popular names for this money plant are silver Dollar plant and honesty. These are mostly placed at the sides of the garden or in some ratio to create flower beds surrounding the home or lobby. It grows one year and blooms in the next as it is a biennial plant.



Hydrocotyle vulgaris is the scientific name of Pennywort. It is a creeper perennial plant. It can be grown inside or outside the home under suitable conditions. They look fascinating when placed at the brim of the pond. With the right placement they can make your house exterior look invincible. 

Chinese money plant 

Chinese Money Plant

You may have heard the names pancake plant, UFO plant, missionary plant. These popular names belong to Chinese money plants. And it is scientifically known as Pilea peperomioides. You can easily take care of it without any struggle. It grows fast. You can even pluck the small plantlets from the stem and place them in water to develop roots further. Obce the root develops you can place them back in the pot filled with dry soil just as they like. 

Lucky Bamboo 

Lucky Bamboo

It is one of the most gifted money plants as it is considered lucky and a decent gift to colleagues or distant relatives. The scientific name is Dracaena sanderiana. This symbolizes power, fortune, good luck, and happiness to the owner. It is not a money plant perfectly but it is worth it. 

After learning about different types of money plants, you might be wondering how to grow and care for them in water or soil? Well, here is how!

How to grow and care for money plants in water?

As easy it is to grow money plants in soil, growing in water is more hassle-free. Here are some requirements to grow a money plant in water at your home. 


  • You will need a glass bottle, vase, or jar to grow money plants in water.
  • Freshwater (not extremely hot or cold)

Actions to accompany

  • If possible, place the stem of your money plant in a bottle. You can use either a transparent or opaque bottle or vase. 

Note: Transparent bottles will help you in better monitoring and cleaning of water from time to time. 

  • Make sure to change the water of the jar every three days to avoid the growth of algae and settling of dust in the water. While cleaning the water make sure to gently clean the roots of your money plant.
  • Pluck the dead or yellow leaves with the help of a tweezer or scissor. Make sure not to use your hand. 

How to Take Care of Money Plants?

It is true that money plants are easy to handle and demand less care, but they need time-to-time assistance to grow thoroughly. Whether you have planted your money plant stem in soil or water, you must accompany the following rules:

For Soil:

  • The soil must be loamy and fertile to propagate complete growth.
  • Add some coco peat, sand & stones to make the soil more fertile.
  • Maintain the pH range of oil between 6 to 7.2.
  • Place the money plant pots where they get partial sunlight as direct sunlight can turn their leaves yellow or make them dry. 

For Water:

  • Keep a minimum of one node below the water for proper growth.
  • You can fold the branch inside the water to dip more nodes in the water.
  • Keep the jar near sunlight (not in direct sunlight).
  • Make sure to change the water every week.
  • Add water regularly to maintain the 70% water level.

Why the Money Plant is Dying and How to Revive it?

Various reasons can lead to the death of your favorite money plant. Therefore, we mention some plausible reasons with the necessary treatment that can bring back money plants to life.

  • Root Rotting – Root rotting is a critical problem as it can kill the plant permanently. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the rotting roots immediately after confirmation. If the roots of your money plant are brown/yellow and are too soft then it is rotting. 

To revive your plant, you must take the following action:

Clean the roots with fresh tap water with gentle hands (water must be normal in temperature).

Cut the rotting roots with a sterile scissor.

Repot the plant into a new one and ensure that the new potting soil is not too moist.

  • Direct Sunlight – Your plant may be getting too much direct sunlight. In this scenario, you must place the plant at a different location where it only gets partial sun rays.
  • Attack of Bugs – Though there are fewer chances of bugs attacking your money plant yet it is important to be prepared. Here is the list of bugs who love eating money plants:
  • Red Spider Mites ' These are very small in size, thus hard to see. But if you ever see tiny dots moving on the leaves of your plants, then these might be Red Spider Mites. 

To remove them, use insecticidal soap and spray it on all the leaves of your money plant. 

  • Aphids ' These are tiny green insects that feed on the sap of your money tree. To kill or remove them you can use insecticidal soap. Using it a few times a week will completely vanish them.
  • Gnats ' These are the common pests for any plant. But they like to attack the plants with moist soil. To eliminate them you should use gnat deterrents.
  • Mealybugs ' They are white and look fuzzy. They feed on the sap of leaves and stem of the money plant. Due to which the leaves turn yellow and the foliage becomes curled. To remove them you can either wipe them or use insecticidal soap.
  • Need Bigger Pot – If your plant is not growing and dying slowly, there is a chance that it might need bigger space to prosper and grow thoroughly. It is your responsibility to keep an eye on as your money plant grows with each passing day.
  • Need Water – Not giving sufficient water to your money plant can make it dry and turn its leaves copper yellow. Whether your money plant is in soil or placed in a bottle with water. Thus it is vital to maintain the pH level and water level in both synopses. 
  • Need Sunlight – It is also required to place your money plant at the location where sunlight rays fall partially for two to three hours.

Money plant is referred as money plant not because it brings prosperity to your home but it also has various benefits and uses which make it 'SPECIAL.'

Benefits and use of Money Plants

To enjoy the complete benefits you must consider money plant vastu and then use different money plant ideas to make them look great. Here is the list of benefits and uses of money plants.

Health Benefits – Money plants have a positive impact and keep the surroundings healthy. As an indoor plant it helps in cleaning the inside air, it brings a feeling of freshness from within and strengthens the bond between the families. 

Spreads Positive Vibes – Money plants bring calmness to mind and peacefulness to the soul. Mere presence can do the magic. 

Neutralising Negativity -  Money plants can observe the negativity from the surrounding and enhance positivity all around.

Addition to home decor – Money plants are aesthetic and appealing especially when they work as a decor item and add greenery in your house interior. They are available almost for free, need less care, and propagate freely. The combination of their different leaves at a single place can make that corner of your house most loved even by guests. It will also help in reconnecting you to nature without much ado. 

Air Purifier – Removing toxic pollutants from inside your house is one of the benefits of planting money plants inside your house or rooms. It works as a natural air purifier. Therefore, saving your time, money, and keeping you safe from harmful elements present in the air. 

Anti Radiator – In the era of technology where we are surrounded by radiations all the time, money plants work as anti-radiator and decrease the negative effect of smartphones, television, Wi-Fi routers, laptops, computers, etc. With this anti-radiator you can have a health & happy life.

Less Family Problems – Keeping money plants indoors can help you in creating an understanding, reliable, adn strong bond with your life-partner. It also helps in keeping marital issues at the bottom and only prosper love in the house and between the family in a positive manner. 

Brings Prosperity – Money plants brings money well not exactly. But money plants bring prosperity to family members, bring luck for good wealth, and help in moving ahead in personal as well as professional life. It also helps in creating long-lasting friendships between people. Money plants are not only good for your house but gifting it to your close to heart person will have positive impact on your relation with them.

Wrapping Up 

Nowadays, Plants have become the new pets of many humans. Even people are placing indoor plants at home and offices that eventually promote happiness, positivity, and prosperity in the environment. Placing a few money plants in your home can do wonders even for you. 


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