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Chinese Money Plant Care - How to Take Care of Pilea Peperomioides

Published On: Sep 17, 2021

Easy to maintain and pleasant to look at – Chinese Money plant is one of the most popular houseplants and the cutest addition to your indoor jungles

Straight from the golden era of 1970s, Pilea Peperomioides has found its way onto a number of sideboards, home office desks, and workstations in a lot of homes and offices. The bright green pancake shaped leaves add an adorable burst of colours against the pristine walls of your room and make the perfect addition to your minimalist home décor. If you are somebody looking out for a rare houseplant or a fan of clutter-free, Scandinavian home interiors – Chinese Money Plant also known as Pilea Peperomioides is the perfect pick for you.

Origin of the Chinese Money Plant

Not just Pilea Peperomiodes, this little charmer is also known as Mirror Glass Plant, UFO Plant, Pancake Plant, Bender Plant, and Lefse Plant. Pilea Peperomiodes has collected several names over the years, which illustrates the reason behind its popularity as a household plant.

For all of you who wonder the meaning behind the nickname Chinese Money Plant, we want to tell you that it's because this plant has originated in Southwest China. The stack of circular leaves on top of each other looks like coins, which is why it is known as Chinese Money Plant.

FUN FACT:- Pilea plant is also known as 'Missionary plant' as Swedish missionary brought it to Europe from China in the year 1946.

Some Common Pilea Foliage Problems

Want the lovely circular leaves of you pilea plant look their best? Pay attention to the silent symptoms signalling about the health condition of this little guy.

First, never panic to see the leaves of your Pilea plant curling, drooping, or getting spots. All you need to do is learn to fix them at the right time.

How to take care of your Pilea plant?

  • Leaves drooping or curling
  • Overwatering and insufficient drainage in the planter can cause harm to your Pilea plant.
  • Watering Your Chinese Money Plant

If you want to ensure a long life for your pilea plant, water mindfully. Besides, the size and the material of the pot, take following factors into consideration while watering your plant.

  •         If your plant is planted in a Teracotta pot, make sure to water more frequently as Teracotta pots dry out more quickly
  •         Ditch the Schedule ' Rather than watering your money plant on a schedule, first feel how heavy the pot is just after you water it. Pick the pot in every two or three days and water it when it feels light

There is no proven best way to water your pilea plant but there are certain do's and don'ts:




Leave your plant just sitting in water               


Sprinkle lightly with water


Water your plant every 7 to 10 days

Place the pot under running water and run water through the soil until 20% of the water that goes into the pot drains out a hole at the bottom

Water your plant according to the temperature inside your home

Use rainwater or de-chlorinated tap water to water your plants

HOT TIP: – To de-chlorinate tap water, simply put an open container of water sit for one day, the chlorine will dissipate.

Pilea Yellowing

If your money plant is not getting the love and care it deserves, you will see its dark green coloured leaves turning yellow.

The other common cause of yellowing leaves among Pilea Peperomioides is inadequate moisture in the soil.

You can start feeding your plant with all-purpose fertilisers to get its colour back.

  •       Always make sure to water your plants only and when the top of the soil is dry
  •       Soil can remain damp but it shouldn't be wet. Therefore, during the winter season you can let your plants dry out more than before. Choose regular misting through humidifiers to boost humidity
  •       Never let your plant sit submerged in water as your plant is most likely to not respond well to ‘wet feet’, which will make the roots rot and cause the eventual death of your plant

Leaves curling and forming a cup

This happens if your plant is placed in a room with temperatures above 27 Degrees Celsius or too close to high-intensity light.

Best Light Environment for Pilea to Grow

Light is a saviour for your Pilea plant. The best light situation for your Chinese Money Plant depends on their native growing conditions. There are few pilea plants which prefer low light levels while few like bright, sunny locations. The Chinese Money plants fall in the middle.

Ideal light levels for your Pilea Peperomioides can be decided according to the following:

  •         If your window is in a direction, where sun shines from early to mid-morning. This type of light settings is perfect for Pilea Peperomioides' care
  •         Avoid exposing the pilea plant to bright direct sunlight. This can damage the leaves. If you notice changes in Pilea's leaves ' in case they appear to be bleached, curled up, crisp brown in colour ' this is a sign that your plant is being exposed to too much of light
  •         The similar damage happens in case of low light levels. If the sun rays never fall directly into your window ' this is not a suitable condition for growing Chinese money plant

Apart from the above mentioned, another factor to consider is whether the light falling into your plant is filtered or not. Filtered light is always a good choice for your Pilea plant. Light that passes through a sheer curtain and never falls directly on your plant can prevent the leaf burn.

Twisted leaves with white spots and black mold

Your plant is infested with small insects known as whiteflies. These insects suck the fluid out of your plants.

  •         Set up yellow sticky stakes or traps to trap these insects
  •         Using these yellow sticky stakes is a great way to monitor and identify the spread of infestation as well
  •         You can also use an insect killing soap to curb the spread of these pests

White spots Underneath the leaves

Don't worry! There's nothing to be worried about. These spots are just mineral deposits, which are developed during the process of photosynthesis. You don't have to triggered about anything if your plant looks healthy. 


Want to see healthy, flourishing Pilea plants? Start feeding them with an all-purpose fertiliser (diluted to half strength), once in a month. 

Flowers on Chinese Money Plant

A thing of beauty is joy forever ' and watching a pilea plant bloom is no less than that.

It's not very often that you see a sight like that. Whenever this plantlet blossoms, we see a magnificent cluster of yellow green tiny delicate flowers, which resemble the immature Elderberry's flowers.

Benefits of Chinese Money Plant

Chinese Money Plant has a string of benefits associated with it, which is why this little plant has become one hot favourite in home offices.

  •         These plants are a perfect fit to any home as they effortlessly match every home décor
  •         They are easy to propagate and can multiply sooner than any other plant
  •         Chinese Money Plant has a calming effect which helps in reducing stress alleviating anxiety, and infuse peace in the surroundings
  •         Pilea Plants purify air and work as an anti-radiator plant which absorbs all the harmful electromagnetic field radiation
  •         Money Plants elevate the environment in the room it's placed and help in creating a positive environment
  •         These plants also help to maintain peace, reduce bad luck, and provide good fortune, wealth, and healthy environment

Propagation of Chinese Money Plant

Do you know your Pilea plant can produce a number of baby Pileas? This Chinese Money Plant can be propagated quite easily.  As your Pilea plant grows, you will see little baby Pileas with their signature circular leaves popping up. You can easily trim them and create another Pilea plant. 

How to propagate Chinese Money Plant

  •         Always, ensure to make a cut at approximately 3cm down under the soil.
  •         Place the plant in a fresh, moist, well-draining soil, give him a good dose of sunlight, ample care, and voila you are all ready to start a small Pilea plant
  •         Yes! It's also possible to encourage the root growth by propagating Pilea plant in water as well
  •         While propagating your Pilea plant make sure the roots shoot directly into the soil

Humidifying and Misting Pilea Plant

Originated from Southwest China, Pileas are tropical plants, which grow best in the temperature between 18 to 23 Degrees Celsius. In case the air in your home is dry and has low humidity levels 'use a humidifier or mist your Pilea plant twice a week.

So, whether you love Pilea for its uniquely beautiful looks or fancy the fact that it needs minimal care – this little gem makes for a delightful houseplant. You can buy Pilea plant online and add style and gorgeousness to your home.


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